Automatic Lens Meter
ZENITH Focometer is a sensitive device that uses the Hartmann array principle, combines precise image analysis and processing technology, and can measure all types of lenses, whether ophthalmic lens or contact lenses.
It is an ideal machine for measuring spherical powers, cylindrical powers, astigmatism axis, PD and PH values and providing reference data for eyeglass making.
While the measurement data can be displayed on the screen, it is also possible to print the data directly by pressing a button. It is an optical device used to determine the diopter power of spherical lenses, the diopter and axis directions of cylindrical lenses, the prism base direction and prism diopter of prismatic lenses, and the diopter of contact lenses.
Spherical lenses diopter powers (0D to +- 35D)
Cylindrical lenses diopter (0D to +-10D) and axis direction forwards (0 Degree to 180 Degree)
Prism base direction and prism diopter of prismatic lenses (0 to 15)
Near and far focal powers of progressive lenses
Contact lens diopter (0D to +-25 and BC 6.00 to 9.00mm and diameter 20 to 100mm)