Differenciation with Your Brand by Personalizing Your Products
The most effective of today's marketing methods is undoubtedly personalization! ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer provides optical institutions with the opportunity to apply this effective method.
With ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer, you can personalize your products on behalf of your customers. You can also print your own brand and logo on your products, boxes, packages or marketing materials.
ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer shapes the text, image and logo you want by engraving on various materials such as paper, kraft paper, wood, ceramic, leather, plastic, bamboo, painted metal. ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer, which prints on an area of ​​80 x 80 mm at a time, is extremely practical to use. Thanks to a special software that comes on USB on computers or by using an application on smartphones, you can write by choosing the font you want, and you can also upload logos and images to the software and transfer them to the product you want by engraving with the ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer.
With the ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer, optician institutions can provide "customers" and "personalized" service by writing customer names on the temples of eyeglass frames, on eyeglass boxes, and on eyeglass wiping cloths.

ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer equipped with 3000mW laser module, has fast, stable, smooth and strong engraving efficiency with its base design, solid and light structure.
It can shape the image and logo you want on various materials. It can engrave on papers, kraft papers, woods, ceramics, leather, plastics, bamboo, painted metals.
There are four separate laser engraving modes. Four selectable working modes: black and white, grayscale, outline and draft, enrich your engraving needs and enable you to effectively transfer your patterns onto different materials.
The ZENiTH Laser Engraving Printer is very easy to use.Windows XP, Win 7, Win 10 systems; MatchOSX-VCP system can run Windows, including all PC systems, with the help of the flash disk included in the product box. supports. With the help of QR codes in our product guide for Google Play, Android APK and IOS application, If you wish, you can download it to your computer or your mobile phone with the software. You can print any photo, text or logo you want on the product by engraving.
It comes with a protective glass plate to prevent skin burns during laser printing. In the manual, it is specifically stated that there should be no contact with the laser for safety reasons.